Tuesday 29 January 2013


I feel like now I have begun this blog and I am already listing ideas for future posts I should make a note of why I am starting this.

Firstly it was because I wanted to do some freelance work and I believe this is a great way to showcase any talents I have. Also, I like writing. It's a simple yet complicated reason. Writing is something I have loved for years. I wrote a novel when I was 12 about a young rich girl who falls in love with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks and runs away with him. It was awful but I wrote it. I finished it. Then in November I won the NaNoWriMo challenge and I am slowly editing my work. I took a creative writing degree which in some ways inspired me but in some ways turned writing into a chore.

Apart from that I don't write enough. I read somewhere that anyone who wants to be a writer should write for at least 20 minutes a day. To be honest, I've never even really tried to do this. I have never made the time to actually write.

I am at a crossroads in my life. I have finished working at a small publishing company (well, I will be after tomorrow), which honestly I haven't enjoyed for a long time. I broke my leg in September and it's all changed since then. Now I am stuck between pursuing a career in publishing, teaching and writing. Plus, I want to travel. I really want to travel.

So, as my leg heals I will be going on a bit of a journey. I will be using this blog to write about my ideas, post stories and generally just share. But most importantly just so I have an excuse to write everyday. Or every other day, let's not get too ahead of ourselves.

Hopefully this time next year I will have a career and the chance to travel - oh and a working leg please!

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